Day 2- You are not an Accident

11 Apr

“God doesn’t play dice.”– Albert Einstein

God knows what He is doing. He can’t commit mistakes. His timing is perfect. His plans never delay. 

Instill to your mind that God created you because He has a purpose for you. And you should live according to that purpose. 

God is the greatest Designer. He designed every single detail part of your body. No two persons have the same fingerprints! God also chose your race and nationality. God has a purpose why you belong in this country. God also determined the uniqueness of your personality. You may want to be like this or like that. You may even desire to be a girl when you’re a boy or vice versa. But. DO NOTtry to be someone you are not! God wants you how He wants you to be. He wants you just the way you are.

“I was sculpted from nothing into something..” God gave you VALUE. He gave you WORTH. You are SPECIAL. You are IMPORTANT. You have a PURPOSE! You didn’t exist for nothing. You didn’t exist just for the sake of existing. Your days are planned in advance. He knows the exact time of your birth and of your death. It is recorded in His Book. God is indeed the Author of our lives. So do not try to write your own lifeLet Him do it! Let Him be the driver of your life, stay put at the passenger seat, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. 

Remember that God’s motive for creating you was His love. We are the FOCUS of His love and the MOST VALUABLE of all His creations. When He created the sun, moon, stars, day and night, land and seas, animals and plants, He was thinking about us. These were made for our convinience. He even gave us the dominion over them!  We couldn’t fathom God’s love for us.. why He loves us so much.But the mere fact that you know that God loves you determines your value and it holds all aspects of your life together. God is LOVE! Love is GOD! God took care of you the moment you were born. His love for you will never change.. it won’t ever fade. 

To God be the glory! God bless us all.

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